Montag, 12. Dezember 2011

Greetings from the shabby side

Obviously it's almost impossible to describe these earrings without using ths S-word.
 No, the other one.
"Shabby" I mean.
 These are so shabby chic - I wouldn't believe that I made them if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes ;) I made them (in a slightly different version) for myself to wear with a special dress on a special occasion. I wore them with great pride and got lots of compliments on them, but don't worry, there won't be a lot more shabby chic here in the future :)
Aren't the miniature pocket knives cute?!
The German words say "aus Treue Rache wurde". It means something like "of loyalty revenge became".

Recently my computer has commited suicide.
I don't want to tell the kids that Santa won't bring them anything because Mommy needs a new PC. So this will have to wait.
And I don't have a lot of time anyway, so I doubt if I would write a lot more if my computer was still among us.

5 Kommentare:

Gayle hat gesagt…

I love that you are multi-faceted.
And yes, those knives are the c-word......CUTE!!

Numinosity hat gesagt…

Ever clever you are! Wonder if you can wear those through airport security though, ha!
Missed seeing you here and sorry about your computer.
xoxo Kim

stregata hat gesagt…

Also - dieses S-Wort könntest Du auch öfters benutzen - den was Du dafür machst, finde ich genial. Wobei ich auch gern die 'andere' Version gesehen hätte - und das Kleid. Nein, ich bin gar nicht neugierig - wie kommst Du nur darauf?
Jedenfalls - die Ohrrings sind wunderbar!

Elaine Akers hat gesagt…

What a fun pair of earrings. Love the little pocketknives.

Sharmon Davidson hat gesagt…

I think these are great, shabby chic or not!